Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Beets: An Instruction Manual

Veggies are coming along nicely; we're having Chiogga Beets in this week's harvest.  Pretty with their stripes, sliced thinly and put into salads.  Try just steaming them for dinner, with a touch of butter, salt and pepper.

If you've wondered how to cook beets, go no further than this link:  You'll find this:

Here is some useful info about beets....Recipes are below!
Baking beets is the best way to retain their flavor and juices, but requires the longest cooking time. Steaming is a very satisfactory method, for there's only a slight loss of flavor and the cooking time is shorter. Baking a 1 ½ inch beet takes an hour at 300° while the same beet steamed takes 40 minutes. Boiling beets is the least satisfactory method of all, because so much color and flavor is lost in the water. So, try baking and steaming beets, you'll be amazed at the difference.
Beets are done when pressure upon their skins causes them to move. To be sure they are tender you can test with a sharp pointed knife or a fork but remember some color and juice will run out. I think beets are easiest to peel when they've cooled a little; just run them under cold water, as you would with hard-boiled eggs, and their skins should slip right off with the slightest pressure. If the skins are hard to remove, the beets probably need to cook longer.
Storage and Preserving
Left in the refrigerator vegetable bin, beets stay in good condition for 2-3 weeks. For longer storage, layer in sand in a cool, moist cellar with a temperature below 45°. I find that higher temperatures cause beets to lose moisture and shrivel up.
Canning is a good way to preserve beets. To can, cook beets, remove skin, and pack immediately in hot sterilized jars, leaving l/2 inch headroom. Cover with boiling water and I tablespoon vinegar to preserve color. Adjust lids and process in a pressure canner at 10 pounds pressure for 30-35 minutes. Check seals when removed from canner and tighten if necessary.
Frozen beets lose texture.
Hints and Tips
  • Grate raw beets into a salad.
  • Hard water may cause beet color to fade, but you can correct this by adding a little vinegar to the boiling water.
  • Steam or boil beets with cloves in the water. The beets will pick up a slight clove fragrance.
  • Always mix beets with other ingredients just before serving so the color doesn't bleed over other ingredients.
One pound whole beets (5 beets, 2-2 l/2 inches across) placed in a covered dish with l/4 cup liquid will cook tender in 10-11 minutes. A fast and easy way to cook beets.
  • Pickle leftover cooked beets (see Pickled Beets).
  • Use in composed salads (see Beets Vinaigrette). They go particularly well with endive and potatoes. For a German touch, toss with caraway seeds, onions, ground cloves, sugar, and vinegar.
  • Any leftover whole beets can be hollowed out and filled with egg or ham salad or served as an appetizer or luncheon dish. Or make Red Flannel Hash.
  • Turn into a puree.
Over our twenty-plus year history, members of Root Connection Farm have created a recipe file of family tried-and-true recipes.  We hope you'll find one that will become a family favorite!!

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