Thursday, April 4, 2013

April Action

Seedlings are in the greenhouse right now!  Karen is busy transplanting the seedlings from seed flats to larger containers so they can sprout even bigger.  Next stop: planting them in the fields.
But you can get your plant starts beginning Wednesday May 1st.  The Nursery at the Farm Store opens for you to select vegetables and herbs to put into your home garden. 
Out in the fields, Jeff & George have been plowing and rebuilding the hoop houses.  The crew starts next week.  The pace is picking up; there is a lot of work to do. 
May marks the opening of the Redmond Farmers Market while June is the beginning of CSA summer shares.  The tempo is picking up ... can't wait for the first salad greens.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Mid-Winter at the Farm

The Farm is waking up.  The fields are spread with aged compost and Jeff is beginning to till in the rye cover crop on some of the drier areas.  It may look empty but the black soil is teaming with life under the surface!  By the end of February the entire seeding schedule and land use plan will be in place for the entire season.  Planting starts the first week of March, less than three weeks away.  In April, the nursery opens with its starts of herbs and spring vegetables.

But tomorrow, February 10 marks the return of  daylight; sunrise at 7:23am followed by sunset at 5:24pm.  10 hours of daylight.  Spring is only weeks away.